Gesetze und Verordnungen EU alphabetisch

    Commission Decision (EU) 2023/1338 of 28 June 2023 on the safety requirements to be met by European standards for certain children’s products and related products pursuant to Directive 2001/95/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (Text with EEA relevance)
    Commission Decision (EU) 2023/1338 of 28 June 2023 on the safety requirements to ... (32023D1338)
    Commission Decision (EU) 2023/1409 of 4 July 2023 instructing the Central Administrator of the Union Registry to return to the Member States and the United Kingdom the Union surplus at the end of the second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol
    Commission Decision (EU) 2023/1409 of 4 July 2023 instructing the Central Adminis... (32023D1409)
    Commission Decision (EU) 2023/1555 of 25 July 2023 on providing access to the European Crew Database and to the European Hull Database to the authorities of Switzerland
    Commission Decision (EU) 2023/1555 of 25 July 2023 on providing access to the Eur... (32023D1555)
    Commission Decision (EU) 2023/1555 of 25 July 2023 on providing access to the European Crew Database and to the European Hull Database to the authorities of Switzerland
    Commission Decision (EU) 2023/1555 of 25 July 2023 on providing access to the Eur... (32023D1555)
    Commission Decision (EU) 2023/1575 of 27 July 2023 on the Union-wide quantity of allowances to be issued under the EU Emissions Trading System for 2024 (Text with EEA relevance)
    Commission Decision (EU) 2023/1575 of 27 July 2023 on the Union-wide quantity of ... (32023D1575)
    Commission Decision (EU) 2023/1576 of 28 July 2023 confirming the participation of Ireland in Regulation (EU) 2021/2303 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the European Union Agency for Asylum
    Commission Decision (EU) 2023/1576 of 28 July 2023 confirming the participation o... (32023D1576)
    Commission Decision (EU) 2023/1683 of 26 July 2022 on the measure SA.26494 2012/C (ex 2012/NN) implemented by France in favour of the operator of La Rochelle airport and certain airlines operating at that airport (notified under document C(2022) 5145) (Only the French text is authentic) (Text with EEA relevance)
    Commission Decision (EU) 2023/1683 of 26 July 2022 on the measure SA.26494 2012/C... (32023D1683)
    Commission Decision (EU) 2023/176 of 14 December 2022 on the consistency of the performance targets contained in the revised draft performance plan submitted by France pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 549/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council with the Union-wide performance targets for the third reference period (notified under document C(2022) 9230) (Only the English text is authentic) (Text with EEA relevance)
    Commission Decision (EU) 2023/176 of 14 December 2022 on the consistency of the p... (32023D0176)
    Commission Decision (EU) 2023/177 of 14 December 2022 on the consistency of the performance targets contained in the revised draft performance plan submitted by Germany pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 549/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council with the Union-wide performance targets for the third reference period (notified under document C(2022) 9233) (Only the English text is authentic) (Text with EEA relevance)
    Commission Decision (EU) 2023/177 of 14 December 2022 on the consistency of the p... (32023D0177)
    Commission Decision (EU) 2023/178 of 14 December 2022 on the consistency of the performance targets contained in the revised draft performance plan submitted by Switzerland pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 549/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council with the Union-wide performance targets for the third reference period (notified under document C(2022) 9236) (Only the English text is authentic) (Text with EEA relevance)
    Commission Decision (EU) 2023/178 of 14 December 2022 on the consistency of the p... (32023D0178)
    Commission Decision (EU) 2023/179 of 14 December 2022 on the consistency of the performance targets contained in the revised draft performance plan submitted by the Netherlands pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 549/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council with the Union-wide performance targets for the third reference period (notified under document C(2022) 9238) (Only the English text is authentic) (Text with EEA relevance)
    Commission Decision (EU) 2023/179 of 14 December 2022 on the consistency of the p... (32023D0179)
    Commission Decision (EU) 2023/1809 of 14 September 2023 establishing the EU Ecolabel criteria for absorbent hygiene products and for reusable menstrual cups (notified under document C(2023) 6024) (Text with EEA relevance)
    Commission Decision (EU) 2023/1809 of 14 September 2023 establishing the EU Ecola... (32023D1809)
    Commission Decision (EU) 2023/1810 of 19 September 2023 on a request for extended cumulation between Cambodia and Vietnam, in accordance with Article 56(1) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/2446, as regards the rules of origin used for the purposes of the scheme of generalized tariff preferences pursuant to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/2446 for certain materials or parts used in the production of bicycles
    Commission Decision (EU) 2023/1810 of 19 September 2023 on a request for extended... (32023D1810)
    Commission Decision (EU) 2023/1810 of 19 September 2023 on a request for extended cumulation between Cambodia and Vietnam, in accordance with Article 56(1) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/2446, as regards the rules of origin used for the purposes of the scheme of generalized tariff preferences pursuant to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/2446 for certain materials or parts used in the production of bicycles
    Commission Decision (EU) 2023/1810 of 19 September 2023 on a request for extended... (32023D1810)
    Commission Decision (EU) 2023/2099 of 28 September 2023 confirming the participation of Ireland in Regulation (EU) 2022/850 of the European Parliament and of the Council on a computerised system for the cross-border electronic exchange of data in the area of judicial cooperation in civil and criminal matters (e-CODEX system) (Text with EEA relevance)
    Commission Decision (EU) 2023/2099 of 28 September 2023 confirming the participat... (32023D2099)
    Commission Decision (EU) 2023/2102 of 2 October 2023 appointing two members of the committee of independent eminent persons established by Article 11 of Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 1141/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the statute and funding of European political parties and European political foundations
    Commission Decision (EU) 2023/2102 of 2 October 2023 appointing two members of th... (32023D2102)
    Commission Decision (EU) 2023/2103 of 3 March 2023 on State aid SA.20829 (C 26/2010, ex NN 43/2010 (ex CP 71/2006)) Scheme concerning the municipal real estate tax exemption granted to real estate used by non-commercial entities for specific purposes implemented by Italy (notified under document C(2023) 1287)
    Commission Decision (EU) 2023/2103 of 3 March 2023 on State aid SA.20829 (C 26/20... (32023D2103)
    Commission Decision (EU) 2023/2109 of 10 October 2023 establishing a Commission expert group on the human dimension of the single European sky and repealing Decision C(2017) 7518
    Commission Decision (EU) 2023/2109 of 10 October 2023 establishing a Commission e... (32023D2109)
    Commission Decision (EU) 2023/2160 of 27 March 2023 on State aid in favour of Alitalia (new loan to Alitalia) SA.55678 (2019/NN), implemented by Italy (notified under document C(2023) 1713)
    Commission Decision (EU) 2023/2160 of 27 March 2023 on State aid in favour of Ali... (32023D2160)
    Commission Decision (EU) 2023/232 of 25 July 2022 on the State aid SA.55208 (2020/C) (ex 2022/NN) implemented by Czechia for Czech Post (notified under document C(2022) 5136) (Only the English version is authentic) (Text with EEA relevance)
    Commission Decision (EU) 2023/232 of 25 July 2022 on the State aid SA.55208 (2020... (32023D0232)
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