Gesetze und Verordnungen EU - Rechtsakte: 10 Economic and monetary policy and free movement of capital alphabetisch

    80/1103/EEC: Council Decision of 25 November 1980 supplementing, as regards the application of part of the second tranche of loans, Decision 80/739/EEC applying for the second time Decision 78/870/EEC empowering the Commission to contract loans for the purpose of promoting investment within the Community
    80/1103/EEC: Council Decision of 25 November 1980 supplementing, as regards the a... (31980D1103)
    80/739/EEC: Council Decision of 22 July 1980 applying for the second time Decision 78/870/EEC empowering the Commission to contract loans for the purpose of promoting investment within the Community
    80/739/EEC: Council Decision of 22 July 1980 applying for the second time Decisio... (31980D0739)
    82/169/EEC: Council Decision of 15 March 1982 empowering the Commission to contract loans for the purpose of promoting investment within the Community
    82/169/EEC: Council Decision of 15 March 1982 empowering the Commission to contra... (31982D0169)
    82/268/EEC: Council Decision of 26 April 1982 applying Decision 82/169/EEC empowering the Commission to contract loans for the purpose of promoting investment within the Community
    82/268/EEC: Council Decision of 26 April 1982 applying Decision 82/169/EEC empowe... (31982D0268)
    82/534/EEC: Decision of the Council and of the representatives of the Governments of the Member States meeting within the Council of 28 July 1982 adopting the fifth medium-term economic policy programme
    82/534/EEC: Decision of the Council and of the representatives of the Governments... (41982D0534)
    83/200/EEC: Council Decision of 19 April 1983 empowering the Commission to contract loans under the new Community instrument for the purpose of promoting investment within the Community
    83/200/EEC: Council Decision of 19 April 1983 empowering the Commission to contra... (31983D0200)
    83/298/EEC: Council Decision of 16 May 1983 concerning a Community loan in favour of the French Republic
    83/298/EEC: Council Decision of 16 May 1983 concerning a Community loan in favour... (31983D0298)
    83/308/EEC: Council Decision of 13 June 1983 implementing Decision 83/200/EEC empowering the Commission to contract loans under the new Community instrument for the purpose of promoting investment within the Community
    83/308/EEC: Council Decision of 13 June 1983 implementing Decision 83/200/EEC emp... (31983D0308)
    84/383/EEC: Council Decision of 23 July 1984 implementing Decision 83/200/EEC empowering the Commission to contract loans under the new Community instrument for the purpose of promoting investment within the Community
    84/383/EEC: Council Decision of 23 July 1984 implementing Decision 83/200/EEC emp... (31984D0383)
    85/543/EEC: Council Decision of 9 December 1985 concerning a Community loan in favour of the Hellenic Republic
    85/543/EEC: Council Decision of 9 December 1985 concerning a Community loan in fa... (31985D0543)
    87/182/EEC: Council Decision of 9 March 1987 empowering the Commission to borrow under the New Community Instrument for the purpose of promoting investment within the Community
    87/182/EEC: Council Decision of 9 March 1987 empowering the Commission to borrow ... (31987D0182)
    87/598/EEC: Commission Recommendation of 8 December 1987 on a European Code of Conduct relating to electronic payment (Relations between financial institutions, traders and service establishments, and consumers)
    87/598/EEC: Commission Recommendation of 8 December 1987 on a European Code of Co... (31987H0598)
    88/590/EEC: Commission Recommendation of 17 November 1988 concerning payment systems, and in particular the relationship between cardholder and card issuer
    88/590/EEC: Commission Recommendation of 17 November 1988 concerning payment syst... (31988H0590)
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