Gesetze und Verordnungen EU alphabetisch

Resolution of the Council of 30 November 2009 on a Roadmap for strengthening procedural rights of suspected or accused persons in criminal proceedings (Text with EEA relevance)
Resolution of the Council of 30 November 2009 on a Roadmap for strengthening ... (32009G1204(01))
Resolution on capital cities: economic development and challenges in the post COVID-19 reality
Resolution on capital cities: economic development and challenges in the post... (22023P0629(02))
Resolution on green energy transition as a response to the current energy security challenges in the Eastern Partnership in the context of Russia’s war of aggression and occupation
Resolution on green energy transition as a response to the current energy sec... (22023P0629(03))
Resolution on promoting governance in public institutions on the basis of political dialogue and institutional cooperation in order to increase efficiency and administrative capacity
Resolution on promoting governance in public institutions on the basis of pol... (22023P0629(01))
Resolution on quality of life, including sound healthcare systems and sustainable pension reform in the EU and Eastern Partnership countries 2021/C 361/04
Resolution on quality of life, including sound healthcare systems and sustain... (22021P0908(04))
Resolution on strengthening democratic processes: the role of political parties, civil society, a fair electoral environment, and free and pluralistic media 2021/C 361/01
Resolution on strengthening democratic processes: the role of political parti... (22021P0908(01))
Resolution on supporting the path of Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia towards EU membership
Resolution on supporting the path of Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia towards EU ... (22023P0629(07))
Resolution on synergies between education and the economy in the EU and Eastern Partnership countries 2021/C 361/02
Resolution on synergies between education and the economy in the EU and Easte... (22021P0908(02))
Resolution on the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine
Resolution on the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine (22023P0629(06))
Resolution on the compatibility between vaccine programmes of the EU and the Eastern Partnership countries and their alignment
Resolution on the compatibility between vaccine programmes of the EU and the ... (22023P0629(04))
Resolution on the strategic importance of starting EU accession negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova
Resolution on the strategic importance of starting EU accession negotiations ... (22023P0629(05))
Resolution on ‘Towards energy efficiency, diversification and independence; addressing capacity needs for strengthening European energy policy and countering energy security threats in the Eastern Partnership’ 2021/C 361/03
Resolution on ‘Towards energy efficiency, diversification and independence; a... (22021P0908(03))
Revised Memorandum of Understanding with the United States of America Regarding the Importation of Beef from Animals Not Treated with Certain Growth-Promoting Hormones and Increased Duties Applied by the United States to Certain Products of the European Union
Revised Memorandum of Understanding with the United States of America Regardi... (22014A0130(01))
Revised rules of procedure of the governing board of the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Approved by the Council on 24 July 2006 )
Revised rules of procedure of the governing board of the European Centre for ... (32006Q0804(01))
Revised rules of procedure of the governing board of the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Approved by the Council on 24 July 2006 )
Revised rules of procedure of the governing board of the European Centre for ... (32006Q0804(01))
Rotterdam convention on the prior informed consent procedure for certain hazardous chemicals and pesticides in international trade
Rotterdam convention on the prior informed consent procedure for certain haza... (22003A0306(01))
Rotterdam convention on the prior informed consent procedure for certain hazardous chemicals and pesticides in international trade
Rotterdam convention on the prior informed consent procedure for certain haza... (22003A0306(01))
Rules Governing Public Access To European Parliament documents — Bureau decision of 28 November 2001
Rules Governing Public Access To European Parliament documents — Bureau decis... (32011D0722(01))
Rules governing security and safety in the European Parliament — Bureau Decision of 15 January 2018
Rules governing security and safety in the European Parliament — Bureau Decis... (32018D0302(01))
Rules of Procedure — 9th parliamentary term — July 2019
Rules of Procedure — 9th parliamentary term — July 2019 (32019Q1122(01))