Gesetze und Verordnungen EU alphabetisch

    Decision (EU) 2020/1076 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 June 2020 on the mobilisation of the European Union Solidarity Fund to provide assistance to Portugal, Spain, Italy and Austria
    Decision (EU) 2020/1076 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 June ... (32020D1076)
    Decision (EU) 2020/1089 of the European Parliament of 19 June 2020 on setting up a committee of inquiry to investigate alleged contraventions and maladministration in the application of Union law in relation to the protection of animals during transport within and outside the Union, and defining its responsibilities, numerical strength and term of office
    Decision (EU) 2020/1089 of the European Parliament of 19 June 2020 on setting up ... (32020D1089)
    Decision (EU) 2020/1251 of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States of 2 September 2020 appointing three Judges and an Advocate-General to the Court of Justice
    Decision (EU) 2020/1251 of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member S... (42020D1251)
    Decision (EU) 2020/1268 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 July 2020 on the mobilisation of the Contingency Margin in 2020 to provide continued humanitarian support to refugees in Turkey
    Decision (EU) 2020/1268 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 July ... (32020D1268)
    Decision (EU) 2020/1331 of the European Central Bank of 15 September 2020 nominating heads of work units to adopt delegated fit and proper decisions and repealing Decision (EU) 2017/936 (ECB/2020/39)
    Decision (EU) 2020/1331 of the European Central Bank of 15 September 2020 nominat... (32020D1331)
    Decision (EU) 2020/1332 of the European Central Bank of 15 September 2020 nominating heads of work units to adopt delegated decisions on the significance of supervised entities and repealing Decision (EU) 2017/937 (ECB/2020/40)
    Decision (EU) 2020/1332 of the European Central Bank of 15 September 2020 nominat... (32020D1332)
    Decision (EU) 2020/1333 of the European Central Bank of 15 September 2020 nominating heads of work units to adopt delegated own funds decisions and repealing Decision (EU) 2018/547 (ECB/2020/41)
    Decision (EU) 2020/1333 of the European Central Bank of 15 September 2020 nominat... (32020D1333)
    Decision (EU) 2020/1334 of the European Central Bank of 15 September 2020 nominating heads of work units to adopt delegated decisions regarding supervisory powers granted under national law and repealing Decision (EU) 2019/323 (ECB/2020/42)
    Decision (EU) 2020/1334 of the European Central Bank of 15 September 2020 nominat... (32020D1334)
    Decision (EU) 2020/1335 of the European Central Bank of 15 September 2020 nominating heads of work units to adopt delegated decisions on passporting, acquisition of qualifying holdings and withdrawal of authorisations of credit institutions and repealing Decision (EU) 2019/1377 (ECB/2020/43)
    Decision (EU) 2020/1335 of the European Central Bank of 15 September 2020 nominat... (32020D1335)
    Decision (EU) 2020/136 of the European Central Bank of 22 January 2020 on the paying-up of the European Central Bank’s capital by the non-euro area national central banks and repealing Decision (EU) 2019/48 (ECB/2020/2)
    Decision (EU) 2020/136 of the European Central Bank of 22 January 2020 on the pay... (32020D0136)
    Decision (EU) 2020/137 of the European Central Bank of 22 January 2020 on the national central banks’ percentage shares in the key for subscription to the European Central Bank’s capital and repealing Decision (EU) 2019/43 (ECB/2020/3)
    Decision (EU) 2020/137 of the European Central Bank of 22 January 2020 on the nat... (32020D0137)
    Decision (EU) 2020/138 of the European Central Bank of 22 January 2020 on the paying-up of the European Central Bank’s capital by the national central banks of Member States whose currency is the euro and repealing Decision (EU) 2019/44 (ECB/2020/4)
    Decision (EU) 2020/138 of the European Central Bank of 22 January 2020 on the pay... (32020D0138)
    Decision (EU) 2020/139 of the European Central Bank of 22 January 2020 laying down the terms and conditions for transfers of the European Central Bank’s capital shares between the national central banks and for the adjustment of the paid-up capital and repealing Decision (EU) 2019/45 (ECB/2020/5)
    Decision (EU) 2020/139 of the European Central Bank of 22 January 2020 laying dow... (32020D0139)
    Decision (EU) 2020/140 of the European Central Bank of 22 January 2020 laying down the measures necessary for the contribution to the European Central Bank’s accumulated equity value and for adjusting the national central banks’ claims equivalent to the transferred foreign reserve assets and repealing Decision (EU) 2019/46 (ECB/2020/6)
    Decision (EU) 2020/140 of the European Central Bank of 22 January 2020 laying dow... (32020D0140)
    Decision (EU) 2020/14 of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States, meeting within the Council of 19 December 2019 authorising the European Commission to negotiate, on behalf of the Member States, Economic Partnership Agreements between the European Union and its Member States, of the one part, and the African, Caribbean and Pacific countries and regions, of the other part, to the extent that they fall within the competences of the Member States
    Decision (EU) 2020/14 of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member Sta... (42020D0014)
    Decision (EU) 2020/1575 of the European Central Bank of 27 October 2020 as regards the assessment of and follow-up on information on breaches reported through the whistleblowing tool where a person concerned is a high-level ECB official (ECB/2020/54)
    Decision (EU) 2020/1575 of the European Central Bank of 27 October 2020 as regard... (32020D1575)
    Decision (EU) 2020/1598 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 October 2020 on the mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund following an application from Spain – EGF/2020/001 ES/Galicia shipbuilding ancillary sectors
    Decision (EU) 2020/1598 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 Octob... (32020D1598)
    Decision (EU) 2020/1631 of the European Central Bank of 22 October 2020 on the delegation of decision-making powers in relation to the transmission of confidential statistical information on economic and financial statistics to the Statistical Office of the European Union (Eurostat) (ECB/2020/53)
    Decision (EU) 2020/1631 of the European Central Bank of 22 October 2020 on the de... (32020D1631)
    Decision (EU) 2020/187 of the European Central Bank of 3 February 2020 on the implementation of the third covered bond purchase programme (ECB/2020/8) (recast)
    Decision (EU) 2020/187 of the European Central Bank of 3 February 2020 on the imp... (32020D0187)
    Decision (EU) 2020/187 of the European Central Bank of 3 February 2020 on the implementation of the third covered bond purchase programme (ECB/2020/8) (recast)
    Decision (EU) 2020/187 of the European Central Bank of 3 February 2020 on the imp... (32020D0187)
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