Gesetze und Verordnungen EU alphabetisch

    Decision (EU) 2019/1743 of the European Central Bank of 15 October 2019 on the remuneration of holdings of excess reserves and of certain deposits (recast) (ECB/2019/31)
    Decision (EU) 2019/1743 of the European Central Bank of 15 October 2019 on the re... (32019D0031)
    Decision (EU) 2019/1798 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2019 appointing the European Chief Prosecutor of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office
    Decision (EU) 2019/1798 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 Octob... (32019D1798)
    Decision (EU) 2019/1817 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 September 2019 on the mobilisation of the European Union Solidarity Fund to provide assistance to Austria, Italy and Romania
    Decision (EU) 2019/1817 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 Septe... (32019D1817)
    Decision (EU) 2019/1938 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 September 2019 on the mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF/2019/000 TA 2019 — Technical assistance at the initiative of the Commission)
    Decision (EU) 2019/1938 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 Septe... (32019D1938)
    Decision (EU) 2019/2071 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 December 2019 appointing the European Data Protection Supervisor
    Decision (EU) 2019/2071 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 Decemb... (32019D2071)
    Decision (EU) 2019/2158 of the European Central Bank of 5 December 2019 on the methodology and procedures for the determination and collection of data regarding fee factors used to calculate annual supervisory fees (recast) (ECB/2019/38)
    Decision (EU) 2019/2158 of the European Central Bank of 5 December 2019 on the me... (32019D0038)
    Decision (EU) 2019/2194 of the European Central Bank of 29 November 2019 on the granting of signing powers (ECB/2019/33)
    Decision (EU) 2019/2194 of the European Central Bank of 29 November 2019 on the g... (32019D0033)
    Decision (EU) 2019/2231 of the European Central Bank of 10 December 2019 on the approval of the volume of coin issuance in 2020 (ECB/2019/40)
    Decision (EU) 2019/2231 of the European Central Bank of 10 December 2019 on the a... (32019D0040)
    Decision (EU) 2019/275 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2018 on the mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund following an application from Greece — EGF/2018/003 EL/Attica publishing
    Decision (EU) 2019/275 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 Decemb... (32019D0275)
    Decision (EU) 2019/276 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2018 on the mobilisation of the Flexibility Instrument to reinforce key programmes for the competitiveness of the EU and to finance immediate budgetary measures to address the ongoing challenges of migration, refugee inflows and security threats
    Decision (EU) 2019/276 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 Decemb... (32019D0276)
    Decision (EU) 2019/276 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2018 on the mobilisation of the Flexibility Instrument to reinforce key programmes for the competitiveness of the EU and to finance immediate budgetary measures to address the ongoing challenges of migration, refugee inflows and security threats
    Decision (EU) 2019/276 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 Decemb... (32019D0276)
    Decision (EU) 2019/277 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2018 on the mobilisation of the European Union Solidarity Fund to provide for the payment of advances in the general budget of the Union for 2019
    Decision (EU) 2019/277 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 Decemb... (32019D0277)
    Decision (EU) 2019/322 of the European Central Bank of 31 January 2019 on delegation of the power to adopt decisions regarding supervisory powers granted under national law (ECB/2019/4)
    Decision (EU) 2019/322 of the European Central Bank of 31 January 2019 on delegat... (32019D0004)
    Decision (EU) 2019/339 of the President of the European Commission of 21 February 2019 on the function and terms of reference of the hearing officer in certain trade proceedings
    Decision (EU) 2019/339 of the President of the European Commission of 21 February... (32019D0339)
    Decision (EU) 2019/685 of the European Central Bank of 18 April 2019 on the total amount of annual supervisory fees for 2019 (ECB/2019/10)
    Decision (EU) 2019/685 of the European Central Bank of 18 April 2019 on the total... (32019D0010)
    Decision (EU) 2019/976 of the European Central Bank of 29 May 2019 laying down the principles for defining objectives and sharing feedback in joint supervisory teams and repealing Decision (EU) 2017/274 (ECB/2019/14)
    Decision (EU) 2019/976 of the European Central Bank of 29 May 2019 laying dow... (32019D0014(01))
    Decision (EU) 2020/1015 of the European Central Bank of 24 June 2020 on the establishment of close cooperation between the European Central Bank and Българска народна банка (Bulgarian National Bank) (ECB/2020/30)
    Decision (EU) 2020/1015 of the European Central Bank of 24 June 2020 on the estab... (32020D1015)
    Decision (EU) 2020/1015 of the European Central Bank of 24 June 2020 on the establishment of close cooperation between the European Central Bank and Българска народна банка (Bulgarian National Bank) (ECB/2020/30)
    Decision (EU) 2020/1015 of the European Central Bank of 24 June 2020 on the estab... (32020D1015)
    Decision (EU) 2020/1016 of the European Central Bank of 24 June 2020 on the establishment of close cooperation between the European Central Bank and Hrvatska Narodna Banka (ECB/2020/31)
    Decision (EU) 2020/1016 of the European Central Bank of 24 June 2020 on the estab... (32020D1016)
    Decision (EU) 2020/1016 of the European Central Bank of 24 June 2020 on the establishment of close cooperation between the European Central Bank and Hrvatska Narodna Banka (ECB/2020/31)
    Decision (EU) 2020/1016 of the European Central Bank of 24 June 2020 on the estab... (32020D1016)
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