Gesetze und Verordnungen EU alphabetisch

Commission Decision No 2795/80/ECSC of 31 October 1980 concerning documents which iron and steel undertakings must produce to officials or authorized agents of the Commission collecting information or carrying out checks regarding production and the ECSC levy
Commission Decision No 2795/80/ECSC of 31 October 1980 concerning documents which... (31980S2795)
Commission Decision No 2795/80/ECSC of 31 October 1980 concerning documents which iron and steel undertakings must produce to officials or authorized agents of the Commission collecting information or carrying out checks regarding production and the ECSC levy
Commission Decision No 2795/80/ECSC of 31 October 1980 concerning documents which... (31980S2795)
Commission Decision No 2795/80/ECSC of 31 October 1980 concerning documents which iron and steel undertakings must produce to officials or authorized agents of the Commission collecting information or carrying out checks regarding production and the ECSC levy
Commission Decision No 2795/80/ECSC of 31 October 1980 concerning documents which... (31980S2795)
Commission Decision No 3010/91/ECSC of 15 October 1991 on the information to be furnished by steel undertakings about their investments
Commission Decision No 3010/91/ECSC of 15 October 1991 on the information to be f... (31991S3010)
Commission Decision No 3316/80/ECSC of 18 December 1980 on a special rapid enquiry, concerning iron and steel undertakings
Commission Decision No 3316/80/ECSC of 18 December 1980 on a special rapid enquir... (31980S3316)
Commission Decision No 359/83/ECSC of 8 February 1983 concerning the opening to the public of the historical archives of the European Coal and Steel Community
Commission Decision No 359/83/ECSC of 8 February 1983 concerning the opening to t... (31983S0359)
Commission Decision No 3699/85/ECSC of 23 December 1985 relating to the suspension of Decision No 3715/83/ECSC fixing minimum prices for certain steel products
Commission Decision No 3699/85/ECSC of 23 December 1985 relating to the suspensio... (31985S3699)
Commission Decision No 3715/83/ECSC of 23 December 1983 fixing minimum prices for certain steel products
Commission Decision No 3715/83/ECSC of 23 December 1983 fixing minimum prices for... (31983S3715)
Commission Decision No 379/84/ECSC of 15 February 1984 defining the powers of officials and agents of the Commission instructed to carry out the checks provided for in the ECSC Treaty and decisions taken in application thereof
Commission Decision No 379/84/ECSC of 15 February 1984 defining the powers of off... (31984S0379)
Commission Decision No 522/92/ECSC of 28 February 1992 on certain modalities for the application of the Interim Agreement on trade and trade-related matters between the European Economic Community and the European Coal and Steel Community, of the one part, and the Republic of Poland, of the other part
Commission Decision No 522/92/ECSC of 28 February 1992 on certain modalities for ... (31992S0522)
Commission Decision No 523/92/ECSC of 28 February 1992 on certain modalities for the application of the Interim Agreement on trade and trade related matters between the European Economic Community and the European Coal and Steel Community of the one part and the Republic of Hungary of the other part
Commission Decision No 523/92/ECSC of 28 February 1992 on certain modalities for ... (31992S0523)
Commission Decision No 524/92/ECSC of 28 February 1992 on certain modalities for the application of the Interim Agreement on trade and trade related matters between the European Economic Community and the European Coal and Steel Community of the one part and the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic of the other part
Commission Decision No 524/92/ECSC of 28 February 1992 on certain modalities for ... (31992S0524)
Commission Decision No 715/78/ECSC of 6 April 1978 concerning limitation periods in proceedings and the enforcement of sanctions under the Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community
Commission Decision No 715/78/ECSC of 6 April 1978 concerning limitation periods ... (31978S0715)
Commission Decision of 10 August 2010 establishing the European Regulators Group for Postal Services Text with EEA relevance
Commission Decision of 10 August 2010 establishing the European Regulators Gr... (32010D0811(01))
Commission Decision of 10 December 2008 concerning State aid C 31/06 (ex N 621/05) granted by Italy on urgent measures to prevent avian influenza (notified under document C(2008) 7802)
Commission Decision of 10 December 2008 concerning State aid C 31/06 (ex N 621/05... (32010D0332)
Commission Decision of 10 March 2009 on the State aids C 43/07 (ex N 64/07) and C 44/05 (ex NN 79/05, ex N 439/04) granted by Poland to Huta Stalowa Wola SA (notified under document C(2009) 1480) (Text with EEA relevance)
Commission Decision of 10 March 2009 on the State aids C 43/07 (ex N 64/07) and C... (32010D0174)
Commission Decision of 10 March 2015 designating the sites awarded the European Heritage Label in 2014
Commission Decision of 10 March 2015 designating the sites awarded the Europe... (32015D0311(01))
Commission Decision of 11 August 2021 on setting up the Commission expert group on statistics on plastic packaging waste 2021/C 324/05
Commission Decision of 11 August 2021 on setting up the Commission expert gro... (32021D0812(01))
Commission Decision of 11 December 2001 on the granting by Spain of aid to the coal industry in 2001 (Text with EEA relevance) (notified under document number C(2001) 3975)
Commission Decision of 11 December 2001 on the granting by Spain of aid to the co... (32002D0241)
Commission Decision of 11 December 2001 on the granting by Spain of aid to the coal industry in 2001 (Text with EEA relevance) (notified under document number C(2001) 3975)
Commission Decision of 11 December 2001 on the granting by Spain of aid to the co... (32002D0241)