Gesetze und Verordnungen EU - Rechtsakte: 14 Regional policy and coordination of structural instruments alphabetisch

    2011/105/EU: Commission Decision of 15 February 2011 on the clearance of the accounts of certain paying agencies in Italy and Romania concerning expenditure financed by the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF) for the 2009 financial year (notified under document C(2011) 770)
    2011/105/EU: Commission Decision of 15 February 2011 on the clearance of the acco... (32011D0105)
    2011/254/EU: Commission Decision of 20 April 2011 on the clearance of the accounts of certain paying agencies in Germany, Italy and Romania concerning expenditure financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) for the 2009 financial year (notified under document C(2011) 2748)
    2011/254/EU: Commission Decision of 20 April 2011 on the clearance of the account... (32011D0254)
    2011/271/EU: Commission Implementing Decision of 29 April 2011 on the clearance of the accounts of the paying agencies of Member States concerning expenditure financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) for the 2010 financial year (notified under document C(2011) 2927)
    2011/271/EU: Commission Implementing Decision of 29 April 2011 on the clearance o... (32011D0271)
    2011/272/EU: Commission Implementing Decision of 29 April 2011 on the clearance of the accounts of the paying agencies of Member States concerning expenditure financed by the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF) for the 2010 financial year (notified under document C(2011) 2958)
    2011/272/EU: Commission Implementing Decision of 29 April 2011 on the clearance o... (32011D0272)
    2011/286/EU: Decision of the European Parliament and of the Council of 2 May 2011 on mobilisation of the European Union Solidarity Fund, in accordance with point 26 of the Interinstitutional Agreement of 17 May 2006 between the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission on budgetary discipline and sound financial management
    2011/286/EU: Decision of the European Parliament and of the Council of 2 May 2011... (32011D0286)
    2011/463/EU: Commission Implementing Decision of 25 July 2011 relating to the clearance of the accounts presented by Bulgaria and Romania for the expenditure financed under the special accession programme for agriculture and rural development (Sapard) in 2008 (notified under document C(2011) 5183)
    2011/463/EU: Commission Implementing Decision of 25 July 2011 relating to the cle... (32011D0463)
    2011/535/EU: Decision of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 July 2011 on mobilisation of the European Union Solidarity Fund, in accordance with point 26 of the Interinstitutional Agreement of 17 May 2006 between the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission on budgetary discipline and sound financial management
    2011/535/EU: Decision of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 July 201... (32011D0535)
    2012/103/EU: Commission Implementing Decision of 20 February 2012 on the clearance of the accounts of certain paying agencies in Germany concerning expenditure financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) for the 2010 financial year (notified under document C(2012) 899)
    2012/103/EU: Commission Implementing Decision of 20 February 2012 on the clearanc... (32012D0103)
    2012/104/EU: Commission Implementing Decision of 20 February 2012 on the clearance of the accounts of certain paying agencies in Germany concerning expenditure financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) for the 2008 financial year (notified under document C(2012) 907)
    2012/104/EU: Commission Implementing Decision of 20 February 2012 on the clearanc... (32012D0104)
    2012/156/EU: Council Implementing Decision of 13 March 2012 suspending commitments from the Cohesion Fund for Hungary with effect from 1 January 2013
    2012/156/EU: Council Implementing Decision of 13 March 2012 suspending commitment... (32012D0156)
    2012/234/EU: Commission Implementing Decision of 27 April 2012 on the clearance of the accounts of the paying agencies of Member States concerning expenditure financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) for the 2011 financial year (notified under document C(2012) 2883)
    2012/234/EU: Commission Implementing Decision of 27 April 2012 on the clearance o... (32012D0234)
    2012/240/EU: Commission Implementing Decision of 27 April 2012 on the clearance of the accounts of the paying agencies of Member States concerning expenditure financed by the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF) for the 2011 financial year (notified under document C(2012) 2891)
    2012/240/EU: Commission Implementing Decision of 27 April 2012 on the clearance o... (32012D0240)
    2012/323/EU: Council Implementing Decision of 22 June 2012 lifting the suspension of commitments from the Cohesion Fund for Hungary
    2012/323/EU: Council Implementing Decision of 22 June 2012 lifting the suspension... (32012D0323)
    2012/366/EU: Decision of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 June 2012 on mobilisation of the European Union Solidarity Fund, in accordance with point 26 of the Interinstitutional Agreement of 17 May 2006 between the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission on budgetary discipline and sound financial management
    2012/366/EU: Decision of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 June 20... (32012D0366)
    2012/52/EU: Commission Implementing Decision of 27 January 2012 on the clearance of the accounts of certain paying agencies in Germany and the Netherlands concerning expenditure financed by the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF) for the 2010 financial year (notified under document C(2012) 369)
    2012/52/EU: Commission Implementing Decision of 27 January 2012 on the clearance ... (32012D0052)
    2013/108/EU: Decision of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 November 2012 on mobilisation of the European Union Solidarity Fund, in accordance with point 26 of the Interinstitutional Agreement of 17 May 2006 between the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission on budgetary discipline and sound financial management
    2013/108/EU: Decision of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 Novembe... (32013D0108)
    2013/209/EU: Commission Implementing Decision of 26 April 2013 on the clearance of the accounts of the paying agencies of Member States concerning expenditure financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) for the 2012 financial year (notified under document C(2013) 2444)
    2013/209/EU: Commission Implementing Decision of 26 April 2013 on the clearance o... (32013D0209)
    2013/210/EU: Commission Implementing Decision of 26 April 2013 on the clearance of the accounts of the paying agencies of Member States concerning expenditure financed by the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF) for the 2012 financial year (notified under document C(2013) 2454)
    2013/210/EU: Commission Implementing Decision of 26 April 2013 on the clearance o... (32013D0210)
    2013/714/EU: Decision of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 September 2013 on mobilisation of the European Union Solidarity Fund, in accordance with point 26 of the Interinstitutional Agreement of 17 May 2006 between the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission on budgetary discipline and sound financial management
    2013/714/EU: Decision of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 Septemb... (32013D0714)
    2014/251/EU: Commission Implementing Decision of 29 April 2014 on the clearance of the accounts of the paying agencies of Member States concerning expenditure financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) for the 2013 financial year (notified under document C(2014) 2785)
    2014/251/EU: Commission Implementing Decision of 29 April 2014 on the clearance o... (32014D0251)
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