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EU - Rechtsakte: 02 Customs Union and free movement of goods
EU - Rechtsakte: 02 Customs Union and free movement of goods
EU - Rechtsakte: 02 Customs Union and free movement of goods
Gesetze und Verordnungen
EU - Rechtsakte: 02 Customs Union and free movement of goods
Neueste gefundene Änderungen
Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/341 of 17 December 2015 supplementing Regulation (EU) No 952/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards transitional rules for certain provisions of the Union Customs Code where the relevant electronic systems are not yet operational and amending Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/2446
Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/341 of 17 December 2015 supplementing R... (32016R0341)
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2024/3133 of 9 December 2024 concerning the classification of certain goods in the Combined Nomenclature
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2024/3133 of 9 December 2024 concerning t... (32024R3133)
Decision No 2/2024 of the EU-Common Transit Countries Joint Committee established by the Convention on a common transit procedure of 21 October 2024 as regards an invitation to Georgia to accede to that Convention [2025/197]
Decision No 2/2024 of the EU-Common Transit Countries Joint Committee established... (22025D0197)
Decision No 1/2024 of the EU-Common Transit Countries Joint Committee established by the Convention on the simplification of formalities in trade in goods of 21 October 2024 as regards an invitation to Georgia to accede to that Convention [2025/198]
Decision No 1/2024 of the EU-Common Transit Countries Joint Committee established... (22025D0198)
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2024/3001 of 28 November 2024 on the granting of unlimited duty-free access to the Union for 2025 to certain goods originating in Norway resulting from the processing of agricultural products covered by Regulation (EU) No 510/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2024/3001 of 28 November 2024 on the gran... (32024R3001)
Council Decision (EU) 2024/2998 of 5 November 2024 on the position to be taken on behalf of the European Union within the Joint Committee established by the Convention on a common transit procedure as regards the adoption of a decision amending Appendices III and IIIa to that Convention concerning the accession of Georgia
Council Decision (EU) 2024/2998 of 5 November 2024 on the position to be taken on... (32024D2998)
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2024/3020 of 29 November 2024 concerning the classification of certain goods in the Combined Nomenclature
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2024/3020 of 29 November 2024 concerning ... (32024R3020)
Alle Rechtstexte
Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Iceland concerning certain arrangements in agriculture
Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters between the European Economic... (21993A0501(06))
Agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Iceland concerning non-agricultural and processed agricultural products not covered by the Agreement
Agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters between the European Economic... (21986A1122(06))
Agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Iceland on the provisional application of the Agreement on certain arrangements in the field of agriculture
Agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters between the European Economic... (21993A0501(05))
Agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters between the European Economic Community and the Swiss Confederation concerning non-agricultural and processed agricultural products not covered by the Agreement
Agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters between the European Economic... (21986A1122(05))
Agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters between the European Union and the Kingdom of Norway on the cumulation of origin between the European Union, the Swiss Confederation, the Kingdom of Norway and the Republic of Turkey in the framework of the Generalised System of Preferences
Agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters between the European Union an... (22019A0128(01))
Agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters between the European Union and the Swiss Confederation on the cumulation of origin between the European Union, the Swiss Confederation, the Kingdom of Norway and the Republic of Turkey in the framework of the Generalised System of Preferences
Agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters between the European Union an... (22019A0129(01))
Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters on the amendment of the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Swiss Confederation on the application of the rules on Community transit
Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters on the amendment of the Agree... (21980A0623(02))
Agreement on Cooperation and Customs Union between the European Economic Community and the Republic of San Marino - Declarations
Agreement on Cooperation and Customs Union between the European Economic Comm... (22002A0328(01))
Agreement on customs cooperation between the European Community and the Kingdom of Norway
Agreement on customs cooperation between the European Community and the Kingd... (21997A0423(02))
Agreement on customs cooperation in the form of an exchange of letters between the European Community and the Kingdom of Norway
Agreement on customs cooperation in the form of an exchange of letters betwee... (21997A0423(01))
Agreement on Duty-Free Treatment of Multi-Chip Integrated Circuits (MCPs)
Agreement on Duty-Free Treatment of Multi-Chip Integrated Circuits (MCPs) (22005A1231(01))
Agreement on the temporary importation, free of duty, of medical, surgical and laboratory equipment for use on free loan in hospitals and other medical institutions for purposes of diagnosis or treatment
Agreement on the temporary importation, free of duty, of medical, surgical an... (21986A0517(01))
Agreement on the text in the Greek language of the Agreement between the European Economic Community, the Swiss Confederation and the Republic of Austria on the extension of the application of the rules on Community transit
Agreement on the text in the Greek language of the Agreement between the Euro... (21981A0918(01))
Commission Decision (EU) 2017/1003 of 13 June 2017 on the duty-free importation of goods intended to be distributed or made available free of charge to victims of the earthquake which occurred in Italy in August and October 2016 (notified under document C(2017) 3865)
Commission Decision (EU) 2017/1003 of 13 June 2017 on the duty-free importation o... (32017D1003)
Commission Decision (EU) 2020/491 of 3 April 2020 on relief from import duties and VAT exemption on importation granted for goods needed to combat the effects of the COVID-19 outbreak during 2020 (notified under document C(2020) 2146)
Commission Decision (EU) 2020/491 of 3 April 2020 on relief from import duties an... (32020D0491)
Commission Decision (EU) 2021/2313 of 22 December 2021 on relief from import duties and VAT exemption on importation granted for goods needed to combat the effects of the COVID-19 outbreak during 2022 (notified under document C(2021) 9852) (Only the Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Latvian, Maltese, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovenian, Spanish and Swedish texts are authentic)
Commission Decision (EU) 2021/2313 of 22 December 2021 on relief from import duti... (32021D2313)
Commission Decision (EU) 2021/826 of 17 May 2021 on relief from import duties and VAT exemption granted for goods imported by Belgium as response to the assistance requested by Greece in order to deal with the migration crisis (notified under document C(2021) 3274) (Only the Dutch, the French and the Greek texts are authentic)
Commission Decision (EU) 2021/826 of 17 May 2021 on relief from import duties and... (32021D0826)
Commission Decision (EU) 2022/1108 of 1 July 2022 on relief from import duties and VAT exemption on importation granted for goods to be distributed or made available free of charge to persons fleeing the war in Ukraine and to persons in need in Ukraine (notified under document C(2022) 4469) (Only the Croatian, Czech, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Irish, Italian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Polish, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian and Swedish texts are authentic)
Commission Decision (EU) 2022/1108 of 1 July 2022 on relief from import duties an... (32022D1108)
Commission Decision (EU) 2022/1511 of 7 September 2022 on relief from import duties and VAT exemption on importation granted, for goods needed to combat the effects of the COVID-19 outbreak during 2022 (notified under document C(2022)6284) (Only the Dutch, French, German, Latvian, Portuguese and Slovenian texts are authentic)
Commission Decision (EU) 2022/1511 of 7 September 2022 on relief from import duti... (32022D1511)
Commission Decision (EU) 2023/1810 of 19 September 2023 on a request for extended cumulation between Cambodia and Vietnam, in accordance with Article 56(1) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/2446, as regards the rules of origin used for the purposes of the scheme of generalized tariff preferences pursuant to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/2446 for certain materials or parts used in the production of bicycles
Commission Decision (EU) 2023/1810 of 19 September 2023 on a request for extended... (32023D1810)
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