of 26 September 2024
authorising the opening of negotiations, on behalf of the European Union, within the World Intellectual Property Organization for the Design Law Treaty
Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, and in particular Articles 114 and 118, in conjunction with Article 218(3) and (4), thereof,
Having regard to the recommendation from the European Commission,
(1) Efforts to harmonise at international level certain procedural aspects regarding industrial design applications have been ongoing under the auspices of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) since 2005.
(2) In 2022, the WIPO General Assembly decided to convene a Diplomatic Conference to conclude and adopt a Design Law Treaty (‘the Diplomatic Conference’) to take place by 2024.
(3) The Diplomatic Conference is scheduled to take place between 11 and 22 November 2024.
(4) The objective of the Design Law Treaty is to harmonise certain industrial design application procedures and formalities for the benefit of creative industries and industrial designers by making the international registration of designs easier and more predictable.
(5) The Union should participate in the negotiations on the Design Law Treaty,
Article 1
1. The Commission is hereby authorised to open negotiations, on behalf of the Union, within the World Intellectual Property Organization for the Design Law Treaty.
2. The negotiations shall be conducted on the basis of the negotiating directives of the Council set out in the addendum to this Decision. Those directives may be revised and further developed, as appropriate, depending on the evolution of the negotiations.
Article 2
1. The negotiations shall be conducted in consultation with the Working Party on Intellectual Property, which is hereby designated as the special committee within the meaning of Article 218(4) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
2. The Commission shall regularly report to the special committee referred to in paragraph 1 on the steps undertaken pursuant to this Decision and consult it on a regular basis.
3. Whenever requested by the Council, the Commission shall report to the Council on the conduct and the outcome of the negotiations, including in writing.
Article 3
This Decision is addressed to the Commission.
Done at Brussels, 26 September 2024.
For the Council
The President
ELI: http://data.europa.eu/eli/dec/2024/2685/oj
ISSN 1977-0677 (electronic edition)