of 9 December 2022
amending Annex II (Technical regulations, standards, testing and certification) to the EEA Agreement [2023/1249]
Having regard to the Agreement on the European Economic Area (“the EEA Agreement”), and in particular Article 98 thereof,
(1) Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2022/1631 of 12 May 2022 amending, for the purposes of adapting to scientific and technical progress, Annex IV to Directive 2011/65/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards an exemption for the use of lead in bismuth strontium calcium copper oxide superconductor cables and wires and lead in their electrical connections ( 1 ) is to be incorporated into the EEA Agreement.
(2) Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2022/1632 of 12 May 2022 amending, for the purposes of adapting to scientific and technical progress, Annex IV to Directive 2011/65/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards an exemption for the use of lead in certain magnetic resonance imaging devices ( 2 ) is to be incorporated into the EEA Agreement.
(3) Annex II to the EEA Agreement should therefore be amended accordingly,
Article 1
The following indents are added in point 12q (Directive 2011/65/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council) of Chapter XV of Annex II to the EEA Agreement:
32022 L 1631 : Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2022/1631 of 12 May 2022 ( OJ L 245, 22.9.2022, p. 45 ),
- 32022 L 1632 : Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2022/1632 of 12 May 2022 ( OJ L 245, 22.9.2022, p. 48 ).’
Article 2
The texts of Delegated Directives (EU) 2022/1631 and (EU) 2022/1632 in the Icelandic and Norwegian languages, to be published in the EEA Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union , shall be authentic.
Article 3
This Decision shall enter into force on 10 December 2022, provided that all the notifications under Article 103(1) of the EEA Agreement have been made ( *1 ) .
Article 4
This Decision shall be published in the EEA Section of, and in the EEA Supplement to, the Official Journal of the European Union .
Done at Brussels, 9 December 2022.
For the EEA Joint Committee
The President
Kristján Andri STEFÁNSSON
( 1 ) OJ L 245, 22.9.2022, p. 45 .
( 2 ) OJ L 245, 22.9.2022, p. 48 .
( *1 ) No constitutional requirements indicated.