89/354/Euratom: Commission Opinion of 23 May 1989 concerning the Golfech, units 1 and 2 (France) nuclear power station (Only the French text is authentic)
Official Journal L 150 , 02/06/1989 P. 0025 - 0025
of 23 May 1989
concerning the Golfech, units 1 and 2 (France) nuclear power station
(Only the French text is authentic)
The general data concerning the plan for the disposal of radioactive waste from Golfech nuclear power station (units 1 and 2) were provided by the French Government to the Commission, in accordance with Article 37 of the Euratom Treaty, by letter received on 23 November 1988.
On the occasion of the meeting of the group of experts set up pursuant to the Treaty, which took place on 7 March 1989, in Luxembourg, the representatives of the French Government provided further complementary information and details.
On the basis of the data thus obtained and having consulted the group of experts, the Commission drew up the following opinion:
1. the distance from the power station of Golfech to the closest point on the territory of another Member State, Spain, is approximately 150 kilometres; Italy is some 500 kilometres distant;
2. in normal operation the liquid and gaseous effluent discharges of the station are not liable to give rise to significant exposure, from the health point of view, of the population of other Member States;
3. solid radiaoctive wastes are to be stored only temporarily on the power station site prior to transport to a storage facility under state supervision.
Similarly, irradiated fuel elements are to be stored at the plant site prior to transfer to a reprocessing plant. Their transfer outside French territory is not foreseen;
4. in the case of an unplanned release of radioactive effluents which could be occasioned by an accident of the type and magnitude considered in the general data, doses liable to be received in other Member States will not be significant from the health point of view.
France has signed bilateral agreements with Spain, Luxembourg, the Federal Republic of Germany and the United Kingdom, concerning the exchange of information in case of nuclear incidents or accidents; similar agreements are being worked out with Italy and Belgium. These agreements also allow for hypothetical accidents having radiological consequences more important than those presented in the general data to be taken into account. The Commission recommends that the agreements with Italy and Belgium be concluded as soon as possible.
In conclusion, the Commission is of the opinion that the implementation of the plan for the disposal of radioactive waste from Golfech nuclear power station is not liable, either in normal operation or in the case of an accident of the type and magnitude considered in the general data, to result in the radioactive contamination, significant from the point of view of health, of the water, soil or airspace of another Member State.
This opinion is addressed to the French Republic.
Done at Brussels, 23 May 1989.
For the Commission
Member of the Commission