Decision of the EEA Joint Committee No 112/2011 of 21 October 2011 amending Annex... (22011D0112)
    EU - Rechtsakte: 11 External relations


    No 112/2011

    of 21 October 2011

    amending Annex I (Veterinary and phytosanitary matters) and Annex II (Technical regulations, standards, testing and certification) to the EEA Agreement

    Having regard to the Agreement on the European Economic Area, as amended by the Protocol adjusting the Agreement on the European Economic Area, hereinafter referred to as ‘the Agreement’, and in particular Article 98 thereof,
    (1) Annex I to the Agreement was amended by Decision of the EEA Joint Committee No 95/2011 of 30 September 2011(1).
    (2) Annex II to the Agreement was amended by Decision of the EEA Joint Committee No 95/2011 of 30 September 2011(2).
    (3) Commission Regulation (EU) No 365/2010 of 28 April 2010 amending Regulation (EC) No 2073/2005 on microbiological criteria for foodstuffs as regards Enterobacteriaceae in pasteurised milk and other pasteurised liquid dairy products and
    Listeria monocytogenes
    in food grade salt(3) is to be incorporated into the Agreement.
    (4) Commission Regulation (EU) No 956/2010 of 22 October 2010 amending Annex X to Regulation (EC) No 999/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the list of rapid tests(4) is to be incorporated into the Agreement.
    (5) Commission Regulation (EU) No 1034/2010 of 15 November 2010 amending Regulation (EC) No 1082/2003 as regards checks concerning the requirements for the identification and registration of bovine animals(5) is to be incorporated into the Agreement.
    (6) Commission Regulation (EU) No 1053/2010 of 18 November 2010 amending Regulation (EC) No 494/98 as regards administrative sanctions in cases of failure to prove the identification of an animal(6) is to be incorporated into the Agreement.
    (7) Commission Regulation (EU) No 15/2011 of 10 January 2011 amending Regulation (EC) No 2074/2005 as regards recognised testing methods for detecting marine biotoxins in live bivalve molluscs(7) is to be incorporated into the Agreement.
    (8) Commission Decision 2010/692/EU of 15 November 2010 recognising the fully operational character of the Latvian database for bovine animals(8) is to be incorporated into the Agreement.
    (9) This Decision shall apply to Iceland with the transitional period specified in paragraph 2 of the Introductory Part of Chapter I of Annex I for the areas which did not apply to Iceland prior to the review of this Chapter by Decision of the EEA Joint Committee No 133/2007 of 26 October 2007(9).
    (10) This Decision is not to apply to Liechtenstein,

    Article 1

    Chapter I of Annex I to the Agreement shall be amended as follows:
    (1) the following shall be added in point 76 (Commission Regulation (EC) No 494/98) in Part 1.2:
    ‘, as amended by:
    — 32010 R 1053
    : Commission Regulation (EU) No 1053/2010 of 18 November 2010 (
    OJ L 303, 19.11.2010, p. 1
    (2) the following indent shall be added in point 134 (Commission Regulation (EC) No 2074/2005) in Part 1.2 and point 53 (Commission Regulation (EC) No 2074/2005) in Part 6.2:
    32011 R 0015
    : Commission Regulation (EU) No 15/2011 of 10 January 2011 (
    OJ L 6, 11.1.2011, p. 3
    (3) the following indent shall be added in point 140 (Commission Regulation (EC) No 1082/2003) in Part 1.2:
    32010 R 1034
    : Commission Regulation (EU) No 1034/2010 of 15 November 2010 (
    OJ L 298, 16.11.2010, p. 7
    (4) under the heading ‘
    ’ the following point shall be inserted after point 25 (Commission Decision 2006/132/EC) in Part 1.2:
    32010 D 0692
    : Commission Decision 2010/692/EU of 15 November 2010 recognising the fully operational character of the Latvian database for bovine animals (
    OJ L 299, 17.11.2010, p. 45
    (5) the following indent shall be added in point 52 (Commission Regulation (EC) No 2073/2005) in Part 6.2:
    32010 R 0365
    : Commission Regulation (EU) No 365/2010 of 28 April 2010 (
    OJ L 107, 29.4.2010, p. 9
    (6) the following indent shall be added in point 12 (Regulation (EC) No 999/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council) in Part 7.1:
    32010 R 0956
    : Commission Regulation (EU) No 956/2010 of 22 October 2010 (
    OJ L 279, 23.10.2010, p. 10

    Article 2

    The following indent shall be added in point 54zzzj (Commission Regulation (EC) No 2073/2005) of Chapter XII of Annex II to the Agreement:
    32010 R 0365
    : Commission Regulation (EC) No 365/2010 of 28 April 2010 (
    OJ L 107, 29.4.2010, p. 9

    Article 3

    The texts of Regulations (EU) No 365/2010, (EU) No 956/2010, (EU) No 1034/2010, (EU) No 1053/2010 and (EU) No 15/2011 and Decision 2010/692/EU in the Icelandic and Norwegian languages, to be published in the EEA Supplement to the
    Official Journal of the European Union
    , shall be authentic.

    Article 4

    This Decision shall enter into force on 1 November 2011, provided that all the notifications under Article 103(1) of the Agreement have been made to the EEA Joint Committee(10).

    Article 5

    This Decision shall be published in the EEA Section of, and in the EEA Supplement to, the
    Official Journal of the European Union
    Done at Brussels, 21 October 2011.
    For the EEA Joint Committee
    The President
    Kurt JÄGER
    OJ L 318, 1.12.2011, p. 32
    OJ L 318, 1.12.2011, p. 32
    OJ L 107, 29.4.2010, p. 9
    OJ L 279, 23.10.2010, p. 10
    OJ L 298, 16.11.2010, p. 7
    OJ L 303, 19.11.2010, p. 1
    OJ L 6, 11.1.2011, p. 3
    OJ L 299, 17.11.2010, p. 45
    OJ L 100, 10.4.2008, p. 27
    (10)  No constitutional requirements indicated.
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