of 10 June 2016
concerning the charging system applicable to vehicles in Switzerland as from 1 January 2017 [2016/1118]
Having regard to the Agreement between the European Community and the Swiss Confederation on the carriage of goods and passengers by road and rail(1) (‘the Agreement’), and in particular Article 51(2) thereof,
(1) In accordance with Article 40 of the Agreement, Switzerland has since 1 January 2001 levied a non-discriminatory charge on vehicles for the costs to which they give rise (‘performance-based charge on heavy goods vehicle traffic’). This charge is differentiated according to three categories of emission standards (EURO classes).
(2) To this end, Article 40(2) and (4) of the Agreement stipulates the weighted average of the charges, the maximum charge for the most polluting category of vehicles and the maximum difference in charge from one category to another.
(3) Considering the modernisation of the vehicle fleet operating in Switzerland, which means that more and more vehicles comply with the most recent EURO standards, it is necessary for the Community/Switzerland Inland Transport Committee to adapt the distribution of the EURO standard categories between the three categories of charge.
(4) The 10 % rebate on the charge applying to the category provided for in Decision No 1/2011 of the Community/Switzerland Inland Transport Committee of 10 June 2011(2) for vehicles of emission classes EURO II and EURO III that are retrofitted with an approved particulate filter system should be maintained,
Article 1
The performance-based charge on heavy goods vehicle traffic for vehicles with an actual total laden weight of not more than 40 tonnes and travelling a distance of 300 km shall be:
— CHF 372,00 for charge category 1
— CHF 322,80 for charge category 2
— CHF 273,60 for charge category 3.
Article 2
Charge category 1 shall apply to vehicles of emission class EURO III and to all vehicles put into circulation before the EURO III standard entered into force.
Charge category 2 shall apply to vehicles of emission classes EURO IV and EURO V.
Charge category 3 shall apply to vehicles of emission class EURO VI.
Article 3
The 10 % rebate on the charge in relation to the relevant category, granted to vehicles of emission classes EURO II and EURO III that are retrofitted with an approved particulate filter system, as provided for by Article 1 of Decision No 1/2011 of the Community/Switzerland Inland Transport Committee, shall apply.
Article 4
This Decision shall enter into force on 1 January 2017.
Done at Berne, 10 June 2016.
For the Swiss Confederation
The President
For the European Union
The Head of the Delegation of the European Union
OJ L 114, 30.4.2002, p. 91
OJ L 193, 23.7.2011, p. 52