75/669/EEC: Commission Opinion of 31 October 1975 addressed to the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium on a draft law relating to the introduction of a licence for the operation of inland waterway vessels and to the financing of the Institut pour le Transport par Batellerie (Institute for Inland Waterway Transport)
Official Journal L 291 , 11/11/1975 P. 0022 - 0022
COMMISSION OPINION of 31 October 1975 addressed to the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium on a draft law relating to the introduction of a licence for the operation of inland waterway vessels and to the financing of the Institut pour le Transport par Batellerie (Institute for Inland Waterway Transport) (75/669/EEC)
In accordance with Article 1 of the Council Decision of 21 March 1962 (1) instituting a procedure for prior examination and consultation in respect of certain laws, regulations and administrative provisions concerning transport proposed in Member States, as amended by the Council Decision of 22 November 1973 (2), the Belgian Government sent the Commission, under cover of a letter of 2 September 1975 from its Permanent Representation to the European Communities, the text of a draft law relating to the introduction of a licence for the operation of inland waterway vessels and to the financing of the Institut pour le Transport par Batellerie.
The letter from the Belgian Permanent Representation reached the Commission on 5 September 1975 and, in accordance with the said Article 1, was also sent to the other Member States.
The Commission does not consider it necessary either to hold an information meeting with representatives of the Belgian Government or to consult the other Member States under Article 2 (3) thereof.
Pursuant to Article 2 (1) of the Council Decision of 21 March 1962, the Commission hereby delivers the following Opinion: 1. The Commission notes that the purpose of the proposed law is to make the operation for commercial purposes of inland waterway vessels subject to the possession of a licence, the detailed rules for the granting of which are laid down by law, the fee paid for the issue of such a licence being used to meet the operating costs of the Institut pour le Transport par Batellerie.
2. The Commission has no objections to formulate against the draft law notified by the Belgian Government.
The Commission is informing the other Member States of this Opinion.
Done at Brussels, 31 October 1975.
For the Commission
The Vice-President
(1) OJ No 23, 3.4.1962, p. 720/62. (2) OJ No L 347, 17.12.1973, p. 48.