Änderungen vergleichen: 96/528/ECSC: Commission Decision of 29 February 1996 on the conclusion of an Agreement between the European Coal and Steel Community and the Republic of Turkey on trade in products covered by the Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community
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96/528/ECSC: Commission Decision of 29 February 1996 on the conclusion of an Agreement between the European Coal and Steel Community and the Republic of Turkey on trade in products covered by the Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community
Official Journal L 227 , 07/09/1996 P. 0001 - 0002
COMMISSION DECISION of 29 February 1996 on the conclusion of an Agreement between the European Coal and Steel Community and the Republic of Turkey on trade in products covered by the Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community (96/528/ECSC)
Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community, and in particular Article 95, first paragraph thereof,
Whereas, following the Council Decision of 30 October 1995, the Commission finalized negotiations with Turkey for a free trade agreement between the Community and Turkey in products covered by the ECSC Treaty;
Having consulted the Consultative Committee and with the unanimous assent of the Council,
Article 1
1. The Agreement between the European Coal and Steel Community and the Republic of Turkey on trade in products covered by the Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community is hereby approved on behalf of the European Coal and Steel Community.
2. The text of the Agreement is annexed to this Decision (1).
Article 2
The President of the Commission will, on behalf of the European Coal and Steel Community, give the notification provided for in Article 20 of the Agreement.
Done at Brussels, 29 February 1996.
For the Commission
The President
Jacques SANTER
(1) See page 3 of the Official Journal.
96/528/ECSC: Commission Decision of 29 February 1996 on the conclusion of an Agreement between the European Coal and Steel Community and the Republic of Turkey on trade in products covered by the Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community
Official Journal L 227 , 07/09/1996 P. 0001 - 0002
COMMISSION DECISION of 29 February 1996 on the conclusion of an Agreement between the European Coal and Steel Community and the Republic of Turkey on trade in products covered by the Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community (96/528/ECSC)
Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community, and in particular Article 95, first paragraph thereof,
Whereas, following the Council Decision of 30 October 1995, the Commission finalized negotiations with Turkey for a free trade agreement between the Community and Turkey in products covered by the ECSC Treaty;
Having consulted the Consultative Committee and with the unanimous assent of the Council,
Article 1
1. The Agreement between the European Coal and Steel Community and the Republic of Turkey on trade in products covered by the Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community is hereby approved on behalf of the European Coal and Steel Community.
2. The text of the Agreement is annexed to this Decision (1).
Article 2
The President of the Commission will, on behalf of the European Coal and Steel Community, give the notification provided for in Article 20 of the Agreement.
Done at Brussels, 29 February 1996.
For the Commission
The President
Jacques SANTER
(1) See page 3 of the Official Journal.