3. The Secretary of the Union shall circulate the documents to the relevant representatives of the Union and shall systematically copy the Secretary of the Republic of Moldova and the Secretaries of the Association Committee in Trade configuration in such correspondence.
4. The Secretary of the Republic of Moldova shall circulate the documents to the relevant representatives of the Republic of Moldova and shall systematically copy the Secretary of the Union and the Secretaries of the Association Committee in Trade configuration in such correspondence.
Article 8
Unless otherwise decided by the Parties, the meetings of the GI Sub-Committee shall not be public. When a Party submits information designated as confidential to the GI Sub-Committee, the other Party shall treat that information as such.
Article 9
Agendas for the meetings
1. A provisional agenda for each meeting as well as draft operational conclusions as provided for in Article 10 shall be drawn up by the Secretariat of the GI Sub-Committee on the basis of proposals made by the Parties. The provisional agenda shall include items in respect of which the Secretariat has received a request for inclusion in the agenda by a Party, supported by relevant documents, no later than 21 calendar days before the date of the meeting.
2. The provisional agenda, together with the relevant documents, shall be circulated as provided for in Article 7 no later than 15 calendar days before the beginning of the meeting.
3. The agenda shall be adopted by the Chair and the other Head of Delegation at the beginning of each meeting. Items other than those appearing on the provisional agenda may be placed on the agenda if the Parties so agree.
4. The Chair of the GI Sub-Committee may, upon agreement of the other Party, invite representatives of other bodies of the Parties or independent experts in a subject-area on an
basis to attend its meetings in order to provide information on specific subjects. The Parties shall ensure that those observers or experts respect any confidentiality requirements.
5. The Chair of the GI Sub-Committee may reduce the time limits specified in paragraphs 1 and 2, in consultation with the Parties, in order to take account of special circumstances.
Article 10
Minutes and operational conclusions
1. Draft minutes of each meeting shall be drawn up jointly by the Secretaries of the GI Sub-Committee.
2. The minutes shall, as a general rule, include in respect of each item on the agenda:
(a) a list of participants in the meeting, a list of officials accompanying them and a list of any observers or experts who attended the meeting;
(b) documentation submitted to the GI Sub-Committee;
(c) statements which the GI Sub-Committee has asked to be entered in the minutes; and
(d) operational conclusions of the meeting, if necessary, as provided for in paragraph 4.
3. The draft minutes shall be submitted to the GI Sub-Committee for approval. They shall be approved within 28 calendar days after each GI Sub-Committee meeting. A copy shall be sent to each of the addressees referred to in Article 7.